Optive Eye Drops 15 ml
Many things can make your eyes feel dry, gritty, or uncomfortable: air conditioning, heating, computer use, reading, some medication, wind or a reduction of tears your body produces - tears that help lubricate and nourish your eyes. Optive Lubricant Eye...
Dhs. 30.50
Optive Fusion Eye Drop 10 ml
Optive Fusion eye drops by Allergan not only lubricates the surface of the eye but also offers instant relief to dry, irritated and gritty eyes.The active ingredients combined in Optive Fusion are hyaluronic acid (HA, a natural component of tears...
Dhs. 52.00
Optive Fusion Eye Drops 10 mL
Optive Fusion Eye Drops contains a unique combination formula that forms a bridged matrix to synergistically relieve the symptoms of dry eye. One of the components is Hyaluronic Acid an effective ocular lubricant that helps support tear film stability. It...
Dhs. 52.00
Optive Fusion Eye Drops Solution 10ml
description Optive Fusion drops have a unique formula that blends several ocular lubricants (sodium hyaluronate, carboxymethylcellulose & glycerine) to give enhanced lubrication and protection to the cornea for long lasting relief from moderate to severe dry eye symptoms. Use Optive...
Dhs. 52.00
Optive Fusion UD Eye Drop 0.4ml/Vial 30's
OPTIVE FUSION UD is a unit dose, preservative-free, sterile solution which contains sodium carboxymethylcellulose 0,5 %, sodium hyaluronate 0,1 %, glycerine 1,0 %, erythritol, levocarnitine, sodium lactate, potassium chloride, calcium chloride dihydrate, magnesium chloride hexahydrate, and purified water.In OPTIVE FUSION UD, sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC)...
Dhs. 62.50
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